The Rough Seas of the Web

 I, dear readers, am a faithful creature of habit. Perhaps it is because I have not incorporated Diigo into my routines that I don't find it comfortable, in the same way one would find a boot not yet broken in as uncomfortable. I was very surprised to learn that I, too, had my flaws, and technological stubbornness gets you nowhere. Perhaps as it conforms to me, I will enjoy it more. It would be nice to not have a bajillion tabs open at any given times when working on a project to "save it for later" and then get mad when my computer crashes and I lose everything. As I learn to walk with my new tools, perhaps it will make the journey a little easier on me.

I have really enjoyed blogging thus far. I really love talking, and talking at people without fear of feeling like I'm annoying them with my endless stream of knowledge is relieving. After I started this blog I went out and- gasp- made my own. It's great. It's like this one, but I can swear more. It's nice to have a planform where I can express myself and expose my contours to everyone, even within the tight confines of an assignment. Plus, my peers seem to enjoy it, and that's a nice boost to my ego.

Perhaps this seems like an obvious choice for software, but we technically haven't covered it yet, so it counts- Google Docs. Truly idiot-proof, accessible, collaborative- this inbuilt program makes collaboration a breeze, and makes meeting up at odd hours for group projects a thing of the past. Best of all, it is accessible through Google Chrome's home page, so it's always in the same place and doesn't depend on having paid 60 dollars to get a suite of programs for a computer that will get an expensive upgrade in 5 years. Take that, Microsoft Word. I've got an axe to grind, and you're on the chopping block.

Here is a link to Google Docs, in case you haven't gotten to it before and need some enlightening from the dark ages of Word:


  1. Hey anne, I love your blog! Your titles for your blog posts are fun and creative. I to share your aprehension about Diigo. I suspect, if it is accessible, I will use it constantly. Unfortunately, while google chrome is dork proof in many ways such as: having many readily available templates, saving as you actively type, and giving many users the ability to work together one a single doc, it is not entirely an accessible program for the visually impaired. It is not completely inaccessible, it is occasionally rather frustrating. any ways, there I go again rambling. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Best, John

  2. I love all of the points you made and the information you discussed within this blog! I also have a lot of technological stubbornness and Diigo at first seemed very difficult and more of a struggle than it was worth. But after some practice with it, I think that it is a good resource to organize your thoughts!


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