Research and Growth

 My experiences with EME2040 have overall been very positive. The classroom has become a very approachable space in which to experiment with new approaches to technology. My one limit to my learning has been my ability to get to class- my car has locked up on me more times recently than I'd like to admit, and not having a back-up plan in regards to transportation can leave one up the creek without a paddle. Being at home, however limiting, does allow me to practice with programs and hone in on refining the educational content I'd be working on, but being in a group environment is always nice.

Open Educational resources, or OER, are incredibly useful programs and knowledge aggregation tools that help to level the playing field in terms of resource access. One of the sites listed was Wikimedia Commons, a website that compiles information and images usable in the public domain that people can acess for free. This is especially useful for teachers, looking to supplement lessons or make certain PowerPoints (like the one I worked on, for example). A link to the website can be accessed below: Wikimedia Commons

Returning to PowerPoint after being away so long and not utilizing it was akin to reuniting with an old friend. The program was much easier to use than I remembered, and I was able to create a very professional PowerPoint that would be easy for prospective students to navigate. However, I had many struggles in readjusting to the program, such as figuring out where exactly all of the things I needed were. However, once I was done, I had something that was equally educational and nice to look at (if I do say so myself. Which I do).


  1. Hello Anne! I agree that PowerPoint it is good to reunite with a very powerful tool. I utilized the program and thought I knew enough about it. These last few projects have really challenged me as well. It takes practice and more practice and a great attitude to learn new skills. You are on the fast track to success.


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