My Tech Deck

 Some people, just like me, attempt to maintain personal webpages that can help give their students and peers access to resources and announcements. Suprisingly, some of them update them more than once a month like I do. They use them for more purposeful ventures, like outlining the teacher's history in a beautifully illustrated page, and can tell visitors about their apporach in addition to what they teach. I can only really make quips on the internet, but we all start somewhere, I guess.

Here is a link to a teacher page I'd like to use as an example: MY TEACHING PORTFOLIO

Out of all the tools highlighted this week, I find myself yet again gravitating towards the Google suite of products with their Calender program. I promise I'm not sponsored (or if I am, my check hasn't arrived to me yet). Accesible to me through my phone (it may not be accessible to those with screen readers, as a lovely reader indicated to me on my last post), it is a convenient way to update plans and to check on due dates. As someone who needs plans practically tattooed on the inside of their eyelids to get it done, allowing my students to have something they can access on the go to remind them of due dates is helpful to impliement on my end.

I first noticed the Days of the Week Twitter challenge on my sidebar of recommended or trending hashtags. I soon thereafter noticed it in our assignments page, which made things a lot less confusing. I, despite my intrigue, did not participate. It's mostly because of the stated reason above- I forget things so often when it comes to dates and deadlines, and having something be tied to doing it on a specific day is a great way for me to not do it. Hey, maybe I should have put it on my Google Calender!
