Recent Events and Reflections

 The latest assignment on PowerPoint was the most complex usage of PowerPoint that I've ever experienced. Seeing my ideas for a game- which were very ambitious, to be fair- not only come to life but function in the way I envisioned. I do think my experience was hampered by the Cirtix Workspace application the school uses that I use to access the program; it reloaded at one point and erased all my progress, forcing me to start over. While this was frustrating, the overall experience was very fun, and it opened up my awareness of the possibilities of PowerPoint.

My classmate's blogs have been very interesting to peruse. As they have very different experiences with the technology we utilize in class, hearing their perspectives on the technology they use and the ways in which they'd use it and how it varies from mine has been illuminating. It is especially interesting hearing the perspectives of future educators, and how their applications would be used in those contexts; as someone who doesn't plan on becoming a teacher, hearing their responses has been very educational. Plus, I am a very nosy person, and I love feeling like I'm getting some secret insight into their lives and their thoughts. It's like reading a diary, except not at all.

I applied to a job recently that that necessitated, among other things, the recent usage of Excel. While I have not officially secured the position as of yet, Excel is a beast I've been meaning to master anyways, so I find this is a good excuse. I've taken a class on it previously, and I understood it well enough, so learning about it in a codified academic setting helped, but I also failed that class, so I don't know how much of that actually stuck. Googling helped a lot in that class at well, and I think I'll be utilizing that as well as I re-tackle this beast.
